
/pree"dyoo"/; Fr. /prddee dyue"/, n., pl. prie-dieus, prie-dieux /-dyooz"/, Fr. prie-dieu.
a piece of furniture for kneeling on during prayer, having a rest above, as for a book.
[1750-60; < F: lit., pray God]

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      praying desk for one individual with a knee bench close to the floor and a vertical panel supporting an armrest, below which there is usually a shelf for prayer books and the like. The knee rest and arm support are often upholstered.

      First used by the higher clergy during religious services in the early European Middle Ages, the prie-dieu became popular in the 19th century owing to the Gothic Revival and to a pietistic passion for family prayers. During this period their secular use was extended by the introduction of prie-dieu (or devotional) chairs, which followed the general shape of the purely religious version but extended the knee rest to form a low seat.

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Universalium. 2010.

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