prescriptive grammar — noun a grammar that is produced by prescriptive linguistics • Topics: ↑linguistics • Hypernyms: ↑grammar * * * 1. an approach to grammar that is concerned with establishing norms of correct and incorrect usage and formulating rules based on these … Useful english dictionary
prescriptive grammar — /prəˈskrɪptɪv græmə/ (say pruh skriptiv gramuh) noun a grammar which seeks to establish rules for correct usage (opposed to descriptive grammar) …
Grammar — is the field of linguistics that covers the rules governing the use of any given natural language. It includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics. Each language has its own distinct… … Wikipedia
grammar — is the system by which words are used together to form meaningful utterances. It denotes both the system as it is found to exist in the use of a language (also called descriptive grammar) and the set of rules which form the basis of the standard… … Modern English usage
grammar — grammarless, adj. /gram euhr/, n. 1. the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax. 2. these features or constructions themselves: English grammar. 3. an account of these features; a set of rules… … Universalium
prescriptive — pre|scrip|tive [prıˈskrıptıv] adj 1.) saying how something should or must be done, or what should be done ▪ prescriptive teaching methods 2.) stating how a language should be used, rather than describing how it is used ≠ ↑descriptive ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
grammar — The systematic ways in which sentences of a language may be built. Grammar is typically studied independently of phonetics and semantics . Its two branches are syntax, or the way words make sentences, and morphology, which includes the… … Philosophy dictionary
grammar — gram•mar [[t]ˈgræm ər[/t]] n. 1) gram. the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed, esp. the study of morphology and syntax 2) gram. these features or constructions themselves: English grammar[/ex] 3) gram. an account of… … From formal English to slang
prescriptive — adjective 1 stating or ordering how something should be done or what someone should do: prescriptive teaching methods 2 technical stating how a language should be used, rather than describing how it is used: prescriptive grammar prescriptively… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
grammar — n (all of language) system, order, organization; principles, rules, laws; rudiments, basics, essentials, accidence; linguistics, Linguistics. syntax, sentence structure or formation; Linguistics. structuralism, transformational grammar,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder