
/pot'seuh lah"neuh/; It. /pawt'tsaw lah"nah/, n.
a porous variety of volcanic tuff or ash used in making hydraulic cement.
Also, pozzolan /pot"seuh leuhn/, pozzuolana /pot'sweuh lah"neuh/; It. /pawt'tswaw lah"nah/, puzzolan, puzzolana.
[1905-10; < It < L puteolana, fem. of puteolanus of POZZUOLI ( < L Puteoli lit., little springs); see -AN]

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also spelled  pozzuolana , or  pozzolan 

      hydraulic cement discovered by the Romans and still used in some countries, made by grinding pozzolana (a type of slag that may be either naturali.e., volcanicor artificial, from a blast furnace) with powdered hydrated lime. Roman engineers used two parts by weight of pozzolana mixed with one part of lime to give strength to mortar and concrete in bridges and other masonry and brickwork. During the 3rd century BC, the Romans used pozzolana instead of sand in concrete and mortared rubblework, giving extraordinary strength. Used with an aggregate of broken tuff, travertine, brick, or marble, the material contributed to the evolution of new architectural forms in such monumental constructions as the Pantheon and the Baths of Caracalla at Rome.

      Pozzolana was first found at Puteoli (modern Pozzuoli), near Naples, where there are still extensive beds, and also around Rome. Natural pozzolana is composed mainly of a fine, chocolate-red volcanic earth. An artificial pozzolana has been developed that combines a fly ash and water-quenched boiler slag.

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