Port Harcourt

Port Harcourt
/hahr"keuhrt, -kawrt, -kohrt/
a seaport in S Nigeria. 220,000.

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      port town and capital of Rivers state, southern Nigeria. It lies along the Bonny River (an eastern distributary of the Niger River) 41 miles (66 km) upstream from the Gulf of Guinea (Guinea, Gulf of). Founded in 1912 in an area traditionally inhabited by the Ijo people, it began to serve as a port (named for Lewis Harcourt, then colonial secretary) after the opening of the rail link to the Enugu coalfields in 1916. Now one of the nation's largest ports, its modern deepwater (23 feet [7 metres]) facilities handle the export of palm oil, palm kernels, and timber from the surrounding area, coal from Anambra state, tin and columbite from the Jos Plateau, peanuts (groundnuts) from the northern states, and, since 1958, petroleum from fields in the eastern Niger River delta. Port Harcourt has bulk storage facilities for both palm oil and petroleum. In the 1970s the port was enlarged with new facilities at nearby Onne.

      Port Harcourt is one of Nigeria's leading industrial centres. The Trans-Amadi Industrial Estate, 4 miles (6 km) north, is a 2,500-acre (1,000-hectare) site where tires, aluminum products, glass bottles, and paper are manufactured. The town also manufactures cigarettes, steel structural products, corrugated tin, paints, plastics, enamelware, wood and metal furniture, cement, concrete products, and several other goods, and it has truck and bicycle assembly plants. Nigeria's first oil refinery (1965) is at Alesa-Eleme, 12 miles (19 km) southeast. Pipelines carry oil and natural gas to Port Harcourt (where there also is a refinery) and to the port of Bonny, 25 miles (40 km) south-southeast, and refined oil to Makurdi in Benue state. Port Harcourt is the site of traditional boatbuilding and fishing industries and has fish-freezing facilities.

      The University of Port Harcourt (1975) and Rivers State University of Science and Technology (1971, university status 1980) serve the town, and nearby Onne is the site of the Nigerian Naval College. Port Harcourt is the starting point of the eastern branch of the Nigerian Railways main line and also of the trunk highway network serving eastern Nigeria. There is an international airport located 7 miles (11 km) northeast along the road and railway to Aba. Pop. (2005 est.) 972,000.

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