Port Elizabeth

Port Elizabeth
a seaport in the SE Cape of Good Hope province, in the S Republic of South Africa. 406,000.

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      port city, Eastern Cape province, southern South Africa. It lies on Algoa Bay of the Indian Ocean, its deepwater harbour enclosed by a breakwater. Port Elizabeth was established in 1820 as a British settlement around Fort Frederick (1799; the oldest British building in southern Africa) and was incorporated as a town in 1861. It was named by Sir Rufane Donkin, the acting governor of the Cape Colony, for his deceased wife, Lady Elizabeth. Port Elizabeth became a city in 1913, after completion of the Kimberley Railroad (1873) spurred development of the port.

      The city climbs the foot of a 200- to 300-foot (60- to 90-metre) plateau and occupies both banks of the small Baakens River. The residential area is on flat tableland, with an industrial sector at the north end. Port Elizabeth is dotted with parks, notably St. George's Park, which is home to the Port Elizabeth Cricket Club, and Settlers' Park Nature Reserve. The city is also known for its oceanarium and many museums. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, founded in 2005 through the merger of the University of Port Elizabeth with PE Technikon and the Port Elizabeth campus of Vista University, is located there. Tourists are attracted by fine beaches, surfing, and nearby Addo Elephant National Park. Excellent communications, cheap power, and water combine to create one of the country's busiest manufacturing centres, which is largely dominated by the automotive industry. The city's port at times handles imports for Zambia and Zimbabwe and exports manganese ore, wool, petroleum products, and fruit.

      Port Elizabeth, the neighbouring towns of Despatch and Uitenhage, and other surrounding areas are administered by the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality. Pop. (2001) city, 237,503; urban agglom., 1,005,776.

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