
/pop"yeuh liz'euhm/, n.
1. the political philosophy of the People's party.
2. (l.c.) any of various, often antiestablishment or anti-intellectual political movements or philosophies that offer unorthodox solutions or policies and appeal to the common person rather than according with traditional party or partisan ideologies.
3. (l.c.) grass-roots democracy; working-class activism; egalitarianism.
4. (l.c.) representation or extolling of the common person, the working class, the underdog, etc.: populism in the arts.
[1890-95, Amer.; < L popul(us) PEOPLE + -ISM]

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Political program or movement that champions the common person, usually by favourable contrast with an elite.

Populism usually combines elements of the left and right, opposing large business and financial interests but also frequently being hostile to established socialist and labour parties. In the U.S. the term was applied to the program of the Populist movement of the 1890s.

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