Popish Plot

Popish Plot
an imaginary conspiracy against the crown of Great Britain on the part of English Roman Catholics, fabricated in 1678 by Titus Oates as a means of gaining power.

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(1678) In English history, a fictitious but widely believed rumour that Jesuits planned to assassinate Charles II and replace him with his brother, the Catholic duke of York (later James II).

The rumour was fabricated by Titus Oates, who gave a sworn deposition of his "evidence" to a London justice of the peace. When the latter was found murdered, a panic among the people was followed by accusations and trials, leading to the execution of about 35 innocent people. When Oates was finally discredited, the panic subsided.

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English history
 (1678), in English history, a totally fictitious but widely believed plot in which it was alleged that Jesuits were planning the assassination of King Charles II in order to bring his Roman Catholic brother, the Duke of York (afterward King James II), to the throne. The allegations were fabricated by Titus Oates (Oates, Titus) (q.v.), a renegade Anglican clergyman who had feigned conversion to the Roman Catholic church the year before and spent a few months as a student at two English seminaries abroad, from both of which he was expelled.

      Encouraged by a fanatically anti-Catholic acquaintance, Israel Tonge, Oates informed the government of the imagined plot and eventually gained access to the Privy Council, where the king's questioning showed Oates to be lying. But meanwhile, Oates also made a sworn deposition of hisevidence” (Sept. 28, 1678) to a Westminster justice of the peace, Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey (Godfrey, Sir Edmund), and when the latter was found murdered in October, a popular panic was engendered. Ramifications of the plot were imagined everywhere, and in all about 35 innocent people were executed. Eventually, Oates was discredited, and the panic died down.

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  • Popish Plot — n. see OATES Titus …   English World dictionary

  • Popish Plot — The execution of the five Jesuits The Popish Plot was a fictitious conspiracy concocted by Titus Oates that gripped England, Wales and Scotland in Anti Catholic hysteria between 1678 and 1681.[1] Oates alleged that there existed an extens …   Wikipedia

  • Popish Plot — Complot papiste Exécution de cinq jésuites sur une carte à jouer, 1849 Le Complot papiste (Popish Plot en anglais) ou encore Complot d Oates (Oates s Plot) est une fausse conspiration perpétrée en Angleterre en 1678, et attribuée à tort aux… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Popish Plot — /ˈpoʊpɪʃ plɒt/ (say pohpish plot) noun a plot by Roman Catholics to murder King Charles II and his ministers and establish Roman Catholicism in England, which Titus Oates claimed to have discovered in 1678 …  

  • POPISH PLOT —    an imaginary plot devised by TITUS OATES (q.v. OATES, TITUS) on the part of the Roman Catholics in Charles II. s reign; in the alleged connection a number of innocent people lost their lives …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Popish Plot — an imaginary conspiracy against the crown of Great Britain on the part of English Roman Catholics, fabricated in 1678 by Titus Oates as a means of gaining power …   Useful english dictionary

  • (the) Popish Plot — the Popish Plot [the Popish Plot] ; Oates …   Useful english dictionary

  • plot — plotful, adj. plotless, adj. plotlessness, n. /plot/, n., v., plotted, plotting. n. 1. a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, esp. a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose: a plot to overthrow the government. 2. Also called storyline.… …   Universalium

  • Oates's Plot — • A Popish Plot which, during the reign of Charles II of England, Titus Oates pretended to have discovered. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Oates s Plot     Oates s Plot   …   Catholic encyclopedia

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