
/pwann tyay"/, n.
a city in and the capital of Vienne, in W France: Roman ruins; battles A.D. 507, 732, 1356. 85,466.

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      city, capital of Vienne département, Poitou-Charentes région, west-central France, southwest of Paris. Situated on high ground at the confluence of the Clain and Boivre rivers, the city commands the so-called gate of Poitou, a gap 44 miles (71 km) wide between the mountains south of the Loire River and the Massif Central that serves as the connecting link between northern and southern France.

      Poitiers derives its name from the Pictones, or Pictavi, a Gallic tribe that first settled there. It became a Christian centre in the 4th century in the time of Bishop St. Hilary of Poitiers. The Visigoths settled there in the 5th century but were driven out in 507 by the Frankish king Clovis. The city became a landmark in 732, when the Frankish ruler Charles Martel defeated the Saracens near the city, thus halting their invasion of France. The city and neighbouring provinces passed under English rule as the dowry of Eleanor of Aquitaine for her marriage (1152) to Henry Plantagenet (later Henry II of England). Poitiers was joined to the French crown during the 12th century, but the English won it back at the Battle of Poitiers in 1356. The French reconquered the province and its capital between 1369 and 1374. The French national heroine St. Joan of Arc was interrogated there in 1429. The city suffered from fighting during the 16th-century Wars of Religion. After a period of prosperity in the 16th century, Poitiers's economy declined until the 19th century. Parts of the city were destroyed during World War II.

      The oldest part of the city has a maze of narrow, hilly streets encircled by boulevards that follow the line of the ancient fortifications. The great artistic wealth of Poitiers is not immediately noticeable, for its many old monuments are dispersed throughout the city. Notre-Dame-la-Grande church is a good example of Romanesque architecture, with a remarkable 12th-century facade containing a profusion of fine sculptures. The Saint-Pierre cathedral (12th16th century), built largely in the local Gothic style known as Angevin (after the counts of Anjou and their descendants), has a crucifixion window (12th century) that is said to be a gift of Henry II of England. The carved wooden pews in the choir are among the oldest in France. Nearby stands the 4th-century rectangular Baptistère Saint-Jean, probably the oldest Christian edifice in France; it now houses an archaeological museum containing a collection of tombs dating to the era of the Merovingians (5th8th century). The Romanesque Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand church was built over the tomb of St. Hilary of Poitiers, the first known bishop of Poitiers, and was restored in the 19th century. The 12th-century former ducal palace has been incorporated into the 19th-century Hôtel de Ville, which houses the Museum of Fine Arts that contains a collection of Roman and medieval sculptures.

      Poitiers is a regional commercial and administrative centre. The city's principal industries are electronics manufacturing, food processing, and printing. The University of Poitiers (1431) is known for its research in the biotechnology and health fields. Futuroscope, a science-based theme park, lies 9 miles (14 km) north of Poitiers. The city is connected by road and rail to Paris and Bordeaux. Pop. (1999) 83,448; (2005 est.) 89,200.

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