- poison ivy
1. a vine or shrub, Rhus radicans, having trifoliate leaves and whitish berries and causing severe dermatitis when touched by persons sensitive to it.3. the rash caused by touching poison ivy.[1775-85, Amer.]
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Either of two North American species of white-fruited woody vines or shrubs of the sumac, or cashew, family.The species found in eastern North America (Toxicodendron radicans) is abundant; a western species, known as poison oak, is less common. Both species are sometimes classified as genus Rhus. A key identifier is leaves with three mitten-shaped leaflets. Contact with urushiol, an oil produced by the plant, can cause severe inflammation and blistering of human skin. Urushiol may be carried from the plant on clothing, shoes, tools, or soil; by animals; or by smoke from burning plants. Because urushiol is nonvolatile, a reaction may result from wearing clothing a year or more after its contact with the plant.Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans)Walter Chandoha* * *
▪ planteither of two species of white-fruited woody vines or shrubs of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae), native to North America. The species found in eastern North America (Toxicodendron radicans) is abundant; a western species known as poison oak (T. diversilobum) is less common. (Some experts prefer to designate both as the genus Rhus.) The plants are highly variable in growth habit. The leaves have three leaflets, which may be hairless and glossy or hairy, entire, toothed, or lobed.The plant is poisonous to touch, producing in many persons a severe inflammation of the skin, or dermatitis. The toxic principle, urushiol, is produced in the resinous juice of the resin ducts of the leaves, flowers, fruits, and bark of stems and roots but not in the pollen grains. Being almost nonvolatile, the urushiol may be carried from the plant on clothing, shoes, tools, or soil or by animals or by smoke from burning plants to persons who never go near the poison ivy plants. Poisoning may occur if clothing is worn a year after contact with poison ivy.* * *
Universalium. 2010.