
/poh"dee euhm/, n., pl. podiums, podia /-dee euh/.
1. a small platform for the conductor of an orchestra, for a public speaker, etc.
2. Archit.
a. a low wall forming a base for a construction, as a colonnade or dome.
b. a stereobate for a classical temple, esp. one with perpendicular sides.
c. the masonry supporting a classical temple.
d. a raised platform surrounding the arena of an ancient Roman amphitheater having on it the seats of privileged spectators.
3. lectern.
4. a counter or booth, as one at an airport for handling tickets or dispensing information.
5. Zool., Anat. a foot.
6. Bot. a footstalk or stipe.
[1605-15; < L: elevated place, balcony < Gk pódion little foot, equiv. to pod- POD- + -ion dim. suffix. See PEW]

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In architecture, a pedestal on a large scale.

It may be any of various elements that form the base of a structure, such as the platform forming the floor and substructure of a Classical temple, a low wall supporting columns, or the structurally or decoratively emphasized lowest portion of a wall. The term is also applied to other types of raised platform, such as an orchestra conductor's dais.

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plural  podiums , or  podia 

      in architecture, any of various elements that form thefoot,” or base, of a structure, such as a raised pedestal or base, a low wall supporting columns, or the structurally or decoratively emphasized lowest portion of a wall. Sometimes the basement story of a building may be treated as a podium. The podium is usually designed with a modeled base and plinth at the bottom; a central surface known as a die, or dado; and a projecting cornice, or cap. Major Roman examples can be seen in the Maison Carrée (c. 12 BC) in Nîmes, France, and the Temple of Fortuna Virilis (c. 40 BC) in the Forum Boarium at Rome.

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  • podium — [pō′dē əm] n. pl. podia; also, and for PODIUM 4 & 5 usually, podiums [pō′dēə] [L, balcony, podium, raised place < Gr (hypo)podion, footstool < hypo , under + podion, dim. of pous (gen. podos), FOOT] 1. a low wall serving as a pedestal or… …   English World dictionary

  • podium — (n.) 1743, raised platform around an ancient arena, also projecting base of a pedestal, from L. podium raised platform, from Gk. podion foot of a vase, dim. of pous (gen. podos) foot (see FOOT (Cf. foot) (n.)). Meaning raised platform at the… …   Etymology dictionary

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