
/poh"koh/; It. /paw"kaw/, adv. Music.
somewhat; rather: poco presto.
[1715-25; < It: little < L paucus few]

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American rock group
      American band of the 1970s and '80s that strongly influenced the development of country rock. The original members were Richie Furay (b. May 9, 1944, Yellow Springs, Ohio, U.S.), George Grantham (b. Nov. 20, 1947, Cordell, Okla.), Randy Meisner (b. March 8, 1946, Scottsbluff, Neb.), Jim Messina (b. Dec. 5, 1947, Maywood, Calif.), and Rusty Young (b. Feb. 23, 1946, Long Beach, Calif.). Later members included Timothy B. Schmit (b. Oct. 30, 1947, Sacramento, Calif.) and Paul Cotton (b. Feb. 26, 1943, Los Angeles, Calif.).

      The group formed in Los Angeles in mid-1968 around Buffalo Springfield veterans Furay and Messina and originally called itself Pogo; objections from Walt Kelly (Kelly, Walt), creator of the Pogo comic strip, prompted the name change to Poco. Furay, already established as a writer of tender, clear-voiced ballads, added to these a series of exuberant, fast-paced songs that became Poco signature pieces. Messina, an accomplished record producer, contributed his skill for writing catchy, well-crafted songs and his sharp, insightful guitar playing. The addition of Young's virtuoso work on the pedal steel guitar and Meisner's clean, high voice were the final elements of the snappy instrumental work and tight multipart vocal harmonies that were showcased on the group's debut album, Pickin' Up the Pieces (1969).

      Poco continued the synthesis of country and southern California rock pioneered by such groups as the Byrds (Byrds, the) and Buffalo Springfield with a string of critically acclaimed albums, notably A Good Feelin' to Know (1972) and Crazy Eyes (1973). The group maintained considerable stylistic consistency despite numerous personnel changes, including the departures of Meisner (replaced by Schmit), who played with Rick Nelson (Nelson, Rick) before helping to found the Eagles (Eagles, the), and Messina (replaced by Cotton), who left in 1970 to team with Kenny Loggins for the highly successful duo Loggins and Messina. In 1973 Furay joined in a short-lived collaboration with former Byrd Chris Hillman and songwriter J.D. Souther, and in 1977 Schmit replaced Meisner in the Eagles. Poco had only modest commercial success throughout its career; Legend (1978) was its top-selling album. A reunion of the original quintet in 1989 yielded the highly regarded Legacy.

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