pocket mouse

pocket mouse
any of numerous burrowing rodents, esp. of the genus Perognathus, chiefly inhabiting arid regions of the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico, having fur-lined cheek pouches and a long tail.
[1880-85, Amer.]

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Any of about 30 species of nocturnal North American rodents constituting the genus Perognathus (family Heteromyidae), having fur-lined, external cheek pouches that open alongside the mouth.

Pocket mice are yellowish brown to dark gray and are 2.55 in. (613 cm) long, excluding a tail of about the same length. They are usually solitary and inhabit dry and desert regions. They carry food (mainly seeds) in their pouches and store it in their burrows. Spiny pocket mice (most in the genera Liomys and Heteromys; family Heteromyidae), found from Mexico through Central America, are gray, brown, or black nocturnal burrowers that inhabit wet, forested regions as well as dry country.

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      any of 36 species of American rodents having fur-lined external cheek pouches that open alongside the mouth. The pouches are used for storing food, particularly seeds, as the animal forages. Liketruemice and rats (family Muridae), pocket mice travel on all four limbs along the ground, as opposed to hopping like their relative, the kangaroo mouse. Pocket mice are nocturnal and usually solitary. They eat seeds, succulent plant parts, and nuts, carrying food (mainly seeds) in their cheek pouches to hoard in burrows. Most are active all year, even some of those living at northern latitudes. Others remain in burrows during winter or on hot days in summer; they may become torpid but do not hibernate (hibernation).

Natural history
      The nine species of silky pocket mice (genus Perognathus) are very small, weighing from 5 to 30 grams (0.2 to 1.1 ounces) and having a body length of 6 to 9 cm (2.4 to 3.5 inches) and hairy tails 5 to 10 cm long. Silky pocket mice have soft fur ranging from yellowish to gray on the upperparts and white to buff on the underparts; soles of the hind feet are furry, but in all other pocket mice the soles are hairless.

      The 15 species of coarse-haired pocket mice (genus Chaetodipus) are larger on average, weighing 15 to 47 grams and having a body length of 8 to 13 cm and hairy, tufted tails as long as or much longer than the body (up to 15 cm). Coarse-haired pocket mice are similar in colour to silky pocket mice, but the fur is harsh and the rump has spiny bristles. Silky and coarse-haired pocket mice range from western Canada and the United States into southern Mexico, where they inhabit open desert country.

      The five species of spiny pocket mice (genus Liomys) are found in extreme southern Texas, but they live mostly in Mexico southward to Panama in semiarid brushy and rocky habitats. These pocket mice weigh 34 to 50 grams and have a body length of 10 to 14 cm and long tails of up to 16 cm.

      The seven species of forest spiny pocket mice (genus Heteromys) are the largest, weighing from 37 to 85 grams and having 11- to 18-cm bodies and long scantily haired tails. Forest pocket mice range from southern Mexico to northern South America, where they live from sea level upward into mountains. All the spiny pocket mice have harsh fur made up of stiff, bristly hairs that may be gray, reddish brown, dark brown, or glossy black. In some species a rust-coloured strip separates upperparts and underparts.

Classification and paleontology
      Pocket mice are classified in the family Heteromyidae, meaningdifferent mouse,” orother mouse,” in Greek. This family also includes kangaroo rats (kangaroo rat) and kangaroo mice (kangaroo mouse). Within Heteromyidae, the silky and coarse-haired pocket mice constitute the subfamily Perognathinae, and the spiny pocket mice constitute the subfamily Heteromyinae. Spiny pocket mice are more ratlike and probably bear a closer structural resemblance to the family's extinct fossil ancestors than do any other living members.

Subfamily Perognathinae
 24 in 2 genera.
      Genus Chaetodipus (coarse-haired pocket mice)
 15 species.

      Genus Perognathus (silky pocket mice)
 9 species.

Subfamily Heteromyinae
 12 species in 2 genera.
      Genus Heteromys (forest spiny pocket mice)
 7 species.

      Genus Liomys (spiny pocket mice)
 5 species.

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