
/plat"n/, n.
1. a flat plate in a printing press for pressing the paper against the inked type or plate to produce an impression.
2. a rotating cylinder used for the same purpose.
3. the roller of a typewriter.
4. (on a planing machine or the like) the bed to which the work is fastened.
5. (on a testing machine) a plate for applying compression to a sample.
[1400-50; earlier platyne, late ME plateyne chalice cover < MF platine. See PLATE1, -INE1]

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  • Platen — Platen, P. Hallermund oder Hallermünd, Aug, Graf von, Dichter, geb. 24. Okt. 1796 zu Ansbach, nahm als bayr. Leutnant 1815 am Feldzuge gegen Frankreich teil, lebte seit 1826 in Italien, gest. 5. Dez. 1835 zu Syrakus; schrieb formvollendete Oden… …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • platen — (n.) 1540s, from O.Fr. platine flat piece, metal plate, altered from patene, from L. patena pan …   Etymology dictionary

  • platen — ► NOUN 1) a plate in a small letterpress printing press which presses the paper against the type. 2) a cylindrical roller in a typewriter against which the paper is held. ORIGIN French platine flat piece , from plat flat …   English terms dictionary

  • platen — [plat′ n] n. [ME plateyne < OFr platine, flat plate, metal plate < plat: see PLATE] 1. a flat metal plate, as that in a printing press which presses the paper against the inked type ☆ 2. in a typewriter, the roller against which the keys… …   English World dictionary

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