
pinnately, pinnatedly, adv.
/pin"ayt, -it/, adj.
1. resembling a feather, as in construction or arrangement; having parts arranged on each side of a common axis: a pinnate branch; pinnate trees.
2. Bot. (of a leaf) having leaflets or primary divisions arranged on each side of a common stalk.
Also, pinnated.
[1695-1705; < L pinnatus feathered, winged. See PINNA, -ATE1]

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  • Pinnate — is a term used to describe feather like or multi divided features arising from both sides of a common axis in plant or animal structures, and comes from the Latin word pinna meaning feather , wing , or fin . A similar term is pectinate, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Pinnate — Pin nate, Pinnated Pin na*ted, a. [L. pinnatus feathered, fr. pinna a feather. See {Pin} a peg, {Pen} feather.] 1. (Bot.) Consisting of several leaflets, or separate portions, arranged on each side of a common petiole, as the leaves of a rosebush …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pinnate — (adj.) 1846, from L. pinnatus feathered, winged, from pinna feather, wing …   Etymology dictionary

  • pinnate — ► ADJECTIVE Botany & Zoology ▪ having leaflets or other parts arranged on either side of a stem or axis like the vanes of a feather. ORIGIN Latin pinnatus feathered …   English terms dictionary

  • pinnate — [pin′āt΄, pin′it] adj. [ModL pinnatus < L < pinna, feather, fin: see PEN2] 1. resembling a feather 2. Bot. a) with leaflets on each side of a common axis in a featherlike arrangement: see LEAF b) with a pattern of leaf veins resembling the… …   English World dictionary

  • pinnate — adjective /pɪnˈneɪt/ a) Resembling a feather. Mimosa is a tree with pinnate leaves. b) Having two rows of branches, lobes, leaflets, or veins arranged on each side of a common axis The trunk is unbranched, often much shortened, and bears a crown… …   Wiktionary

  • pinnate — adjective Etymology: New Latin pinnatus, from Latin, feathered, from pinna feather, wing, fin Date: circa 1727 resembling a feather especially in having similar parts arranged on opposite sides of an axis like the barbs on the rachis of a feather …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pinnate — adjective technical a pinnate leaf is made of two rows of little leaves arranged opposite each other along a stem …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pinnate — pin•nate [[t]ˈpɪn eɪt, ɪt[/t]] also pin′nat•ed adj. 1) resembling a feather, as in construction or arrangement; having parts arranged on each side of a common axis: a pinnate branch[/ex] 2) bot (of a leaf) having leaflets or primary divisions… …   From formal English to slang

  • pinnate — /ˈpɪneɪt / (say pinayt), / ət/ (say uht) adjective 1. resembling a feather. 2. having parts arranged on each side of a common axis. 3. Botany (of a leaf) having leaflets or primary divisions arranged on each side of a common petiole or rachis.… …  

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