
/pid"euhk/, n.
any bivalve mollusk of the genus Pholas or the family Pholadidae, having long, ovate shells and burrowing in soft rock, wood, etc.
[1850-55; perh. akin to OE puduc wart]

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      any of the marine bivalve mollusks of the family Pholadidae (Adesmoidea). Worldwide in distribution, they are especially adapted for boring into rock, shells, peat, hard clay, or mud. Most species occur in the intertidal zone, a few in deeper water.

      One end of each of the two valves is armed with rows of serrated cutting edges for boring. Some species drill to a depth only slightly more than the length of the shell. Others, with extensible siphons, may bore to depths several times the length of the shell. The siphons of many deep borers are protected by tough plates. Like most bivalves, piddocks feed on minute organisms in the water, especially phytoplankton.

      The great piddock (Zirfaea crispata), which attains lengths of up to eight centimetres (about three inches), occurs on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Found from the intertidal zone to depths of 75 metres (250 feet), Z. crispata bores into limestone and wood.

      The wood piddock (Martesia striata), up to 2.5 centimetres long, commonly occurs in waterlogged timbers cast up on the beach and ranges from North Carolina to Brazil. M. pusilla and M. cuneiformis have similar habits and distribution. Smith's martesia (M. smithi), which resembles a fat, gray pea, bores into rocks and mollusk shells in the Atlantic Ocean from New York to the Gulf of Mexico.

      The flat-topped piddock (Penitella penita), from the Arctic Ocean to Lower California, bores into hard clay, sandstone, and cement, sometimes damaging man-made structures. Some Penitella and Diplothyra species bore into the shells of other mollusks, particularly oysters and abalone.

      Pholas dactylus, which bores into gneissa very hard rockis luminescent. At one time it was highly esteemed in Europe as food. Pholas chiloensis, found on the Pacific coast of South America, is eaten locally.

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  • piddock — noun Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1851 a bivalve mollusk (family Pholadidae, especially genera Pholas and Barnea) that bores holes in wood, clay, and rocks …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • piddock — noun /ˈpɪdək/ Any of the bivalve molluscs of the genus Pholas or family Pholadidae, which burrow into soft rocks. Syn: angelwing, angels wing …   Wiktionary

  • piddock — [ pɪdək] noun a bivalve mollusc which bores into soft rock or other firm surfaces. [Pholas and other genera.] Origin C19: of unknown origin …   English new terms dictionary

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  • piddock — pid•dock [[t]ˈpɪd ək[/t]] n. ivt any bivalve mollusk of the family Pholadidae, able to burrow in soft rock, wood, etc • Etymology: 1850–55; of obscure orig …   From formal English to slang

  • piddock — /ˈpɪdək/ (say piduhk) noun any of the bivalve molluscs of the genus Pholas or the family Pholadidae, mostly marine, with long ovate shell, and burrowing in soft rock, wood, etc. {compare Old English puduc wart} …  

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