
pictorialist, n.
/pik tawr"ee euh liz'euhm, -tohr"-/, n.
1. Fine Arts. the creation or use of pictures or visual images, esp. of recognizable or realistic representations.
2. emphasis on purely photographic or scenic qualities for its own sake, sometimes with a static or lifeless effect: The movie's self-conscious pictorialism makes it little more than a travelogue. Cf. representationalism.
[1865-70; PICTORIAL + -ISM]

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      an approach to photography that emphasizes beauty of subject matter, tonality, and composition rather than the documentation of reality.

      The Pictorialist perspective was born in the late 1860s and held sway through the first decade of the 20th century. It approached the camera as a tool that, like the paintbrush and chisel, could be used to make an artistic statement. Thus photographs could have aesthetic value and be linked to the world of art expression.

      The name itself derived from the thought of Henry Peach Robinson (Robinson, Henry Peach), British author of Pictorial Effect in Photography (1869). In his desire to separate photography as art from the scientific ends to which it had been applied, Robinson suggested appropriate subject matter and compositional devices, including the joining together of sections of different photographs to form acompositeimage. In the 1880s the British photographer Peter Henry Emerson (Emerson, Peter Henry) also sought ways to promote personal expression in camera images. While critical of composite photographs, Emerson and his followers, looking to models provided by artists such as J.M.W. Turner (Turner, J.M.W.), the painters of the Barbizon school, and the Impressionist (Impressionism) painters, attempted to recreate atmospheric effects in nature through attention to focus and tonality.

      Emerson's book Naturalistic Photography (1889) was immensely influential in the last years of the 19th century. American and European photographers who followed its precepts organized associations and mounted exhibitions designed to show that the medium was capable of producing works of great beauty and expressiveness. Before 1900 the Linked Ring in Great Britain, the Photo Club of Paris, the Kleeblatt in Germany and Austria and, after the turn of the century, the Photo-Secession in the United States all promoted photography as fine art. Toward this end, some photographers condoned hand-work on the negative and employed special printing methods, usingamong other chemicalsgum bichromate and gum bromoil. In addition to these procedures, which insured that each print was differentiated from others from the same negative, Pictorialist photographers also favoured the inclusion of monograms and the presentation of work in tasteful frames and mats. Frederick H. Evans (Evans, Frederick H.), Robert Demachy, and Heinrich Kühn were among the notable Europeans who participated in the movement.

      Pictorialists in the United States included Alvin Langdon Coburn (Coburn, Alvin Langdon), F. Holland Day, Gertrude Käsebier (Käsebier, Gertrude), Edward Steichen (Steichen, Edward), Alfred Stieglitz (Stieglitz, Alfred), and Clarence H. White (White, Clarence H.). In the late work of Stieglitz, and that of Paul Strand (Strand, Paul) and Edward Weston (Weston, Edward), American Pictorialism became less involved with atmospheric effects and beautiful subject matter, but for some years after World War I, the older ideals of pictorial beauty were retained by the group called Pictorial Photographers of America. By the late 1920s, as the aesthetics of Modernism took hold, the term Pictorialism came to describe a tired convention.

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