- physiatry
/fi zuy"euh tree, fiz'ee a"-/, n.[PHYS(I)- + -IATRY]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
physiatry — /fi zuy euh tree, fiz ee a /, n. 1. See physical medicine. 2. See physical therapy. [PHYS(I) + IATRY] * * * physiatry, n. rare. (fɪˈzaɪətrɪ) [f. physiatrics n. pl. + … Useful english dictionary
physiatry — SYN: physical medicine. * * * phys·iat·ry .fiz ē a trē, fə zī ə trē n PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION * * * phys·iat·ry (fiz″e atґre) [physi + iatry] the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of… … Medical dictionary
physiatry — phy•si•a•try [[t]fɪˈzaɪ ə tri, ˌfɪz iˈæ [/t]] also physiatrics, n. med the medical specialty for the treatment of disease and injury by physical agents, as exercise or heat therapy • Etymology: 1935–40 phy•si′a•trist, n … From formal English to slang
Physical medicine and rehabilitation — (PM R), physiatry /fɨˈzaɪ … Wikipedia
Stanisław Kuczborski — Infobox Scientist name = Stanisław Kuczborski birth date = January 31, 1912 birth place = Łódź death date = August 23, 2004 death place = Łódź residence = citizenship = nationality = Poland ethnicity = field = work institutions = Tuberculosis… … Wikipedia
Medicine — This article is about the science and art of healing. For pharmaceutical drugs, see Medication. For other uses, see Medicine (disambiguation). Statue of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine, holding the symbolic Rod of Asclepius with its coiled… … Wikipedia
Neurology — For the journal, see Neurology (journal). Neurologist Occupation Names Physician, Medical Practitioner Activity sectors Medicine Description Education required M.D. , D.V.M. or D.O. (US), M.B. B.S. (UK), M.B. B.Ch. B.A.O. (Republic of Ireland)… … Wikipedia
Specialty (medicine) — A specialty (or speciality) in medicine is a branch of medical science. After completing medical school, physicians or surgeons usually further their medical education in a specific specialty of medicine by completing a multiple year residency to … Wikipedia
physical medicine and rehabilitation — or physiatry or physical therapy or rehabilitation medicine Medical specialty treating chronic disabilities through physical means to help patients return to a comfortable, productive life despite a medical problem. Its objectives are pain relief … Universalium
Физиатрия — Не следует путать с Фтизиатрия. Проверить информацию. Необходимо проверить точность фактов и достоверность сведений, изложенных в этой статье. На странице обсуждения должны быть пояснения … Википедия