
philological /fil'euh loj"i keuhl/, philologic, adj.philologically, adv.philologist, philologer, n.
/fi lol"euh jee/, n.
1. the study of literary texts and of written records, the establishment of their authenticity and their original form, and the determination of their meaning.
2. (esp. in older use) linguistics, esp. historical and comparative linguistics.
3. Obs. the love of learning and literature.
[1350-1400; ME philologie < L philologia < Gk philología love of learning and literature, equiv. to philólog(os) literary, studious, argumentative + -ia -Y3. See PHILO-, -LOGY]

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      a term now rarely used but once applied to the study of language and literature. Nowadays a distinction is usually made between literary and linguistic scholarship, and the term philology, where used, means the study of languagei.e., linguistics (q.v.). It survives in the titles of a few learned journals that date to the 19th century. Comparative philology was a former name for what is now called comparative linguistics (q.v.).

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