
/pi ooh"nyeuh, -nee euh, -tyooh"-/, n.
1. any garden plant belonging to the genus Petunia, of the nightshade family, native to tropical America, having funnel-shaped flowers of various colors.
2. a deep, reddish purple.
[1815-25; < NL < obs. F petun tobacco < Tupi petyn; see -IA]

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Any of many species of flowering plants in the genus Petunia, in the nightshade family, which originated in South America.

The innumerable varieties of showy, trumpet-shaped flowers are immensely popular. There are two types: the compact, erect sort seen in summer garden beds, and the sprawling, long-stemmed sort seen in hanging baskets and window boxes. From early summer until frost, petunias bloom profusely with single or double blossoms; crisped, fringed, or ruffled flowers; and spectacular hues from pure white to deep crimson or purple, speckled or veined in contrasting colours. Leaves are soft, flabby, and covered with fine, sticky hairs. Technically perennials, petunias are most often grown as annuals.

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      flowering plant whose showy, trumpet-shaped flowers make it immensely popular for summer beds and window boxes. It is a genus of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), originating in South America, and it is related to the deadly nightshade, potato, and tobacco plants.

      The genus Petunia comprises many species, but the common garden petunia, P. hybrida, is a cross of two species native to ArgentinaP. axillaris and P. violacea. The innumerable varieties of P. hybrida fall into two types: the compact, erect type, reaching 6 to 10 inches (15 to 25 centimetres) and adapted for summer garden beds, and the sprawling, long-stemmed balcony petunia, which grows to about 18 in. and is often potted in hanging baskets and window boxes. Flowers are funnel-shaped; are crisped, fringed, or ruffled; and are of spectacular hue, ranging from pure white to deep crimson or purple and often speckled or veined in contrasting colours. There are single- and double-bloom varieties. Leaves are soft, flabby, and covered with fine, sticky hairs.

      Although technically a perennial, the petunia is most often grown as an annual. They do well in almost any ordinary garden soil in any temperate locale, provided they are well watered and well drained. They grow poorly in shade. Flowers bloom profusely from early summer until frost.

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Universalium. 2010.

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