
/pe"zah rddaw/, n.
a seaport in E Italy, on the Adriatic Sea. 89,908.

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ancient Pisorum

City (pop., 2001 prelim.: 90,311), Marche region, north-central Italy.

A seaport on the Adriatic Sea, Pesaro was destroyed by the Ostrogoths in AD 536. Rebuilt and fortified by the Byzantine general Belisarius as one of the cities of the Pentapolis, it was sold to the Sforza family in 1445. It became part of the Papal States in 1631. It was the birthplace of composer Gioacchino Rossini in 1792. In World War II Pesaro suffered heavily in the Allied advance of 1944, but many of its old buildings escaped with minor damage. It is a seaside resort surrounded by an agricultural area. Its museum of majolica houses the richest collection in Italy.

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Latin  Pisaurum 

      city, Marche regione, northern Italy. Pesaro is a seaport lying along the Adriatic Sea at the mouth of the Foglia (Pisaurum) River. Destroyed by Witigis the Ostrogoth in 536, the town was rebuilt and fortified by the Byzantine general Belisarius and was one of the five cities of the Maritime Pentapolis under the exarchate of Ravenna. Later disputed between the popes and the Holy Roman emperors, Pesaro came into the hands of the Malatesta Family of Rimini about 1285. It was sold in 1445 to the Sforza Family, and in 1512, through the influence of Pope Julius II, it went to the pope's nephew Francesco Maria I della Rovere, duke di Urbino. It reverted to the Papal States in 1631.

 A main point at the Adriatic end of the so-called Gothic line in World War II, Pesaro suffered heavily in the Allied advance of 1944, but many of its old buildings escaped with minor damage. The city's notable landmarks include the fortress of Rocca Constanza (built 14741505 for Constanzo Sforza); the Palazzo Ducale (14501510; see photograph—>); the cathedral, with a 14th-century facade; and the nearby Villa Imperiale, built (146972) for Alessandro Sforza and noted for its fine stucco ceilings, wall paintings, and pavements of majolica plates. A new palace, begun in 1530 by Girolamo Genga and his son for Eleonora Gonzaga, was never completed.

      The civic museums house the picture gallery and the museum of majolica, with the richest collection in Italy. (Pesaro has been famous for its majolica since 1462.) The Oliveriano Archaeological Museum is important for students of Italian antiquities. The composer Gioacchino Antonio Rossini, a native of Pesaro, left his fortune to found a music school there.

      Pesaro is a pleasant seaside resort and serves a rich agricultural area; its industries include sulfur refining, boatbuilding, and the manufacture of motorcycles. Pop. (2006 est.) mun., 91,955.

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