
/perdd pee nyahonn"/, n.
a city in and the capital of Pyrénées-Orientales, in the S extremity of France. 107,971.

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City (pop., 1999: 105,115), southern France.

Located just north of the Spanish border, Perpignan was founded с 10th century. It was the capital of Roussillon in the 12th century and of the kingdom of Majorca from 1276 to 1344. The city was heavily fortified during the struggle between France and Spain for the area; it became French in 1659. It is now a market centre for the surrounding agricultural area; its many medieval buildings have made tourism economically important.

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      city, capital of Pyrénées-Orientales département, Languedoc-Roussillon région, southern France. It is situated on the Têt River, 8 miles (13 km) west of the Mediterranean Sea and 19 miles (31 km) north of the Spanish frontier. Formerly a stronghold town, and once the capital of the old province of Roussillon, it is now a flourishing administrative and commercial centre.

      After serving as the capital of the counts of Roussillon, Perpignan in 1172 passed to the House of Aragon. James I of Aragon divided his realm between his sons, leaving Roussillon and Majorca to the younger, James, the first of three hereditary kings of Majorca who made the city their capital (12761344). Perpignan was heavily fortified during and after the struggle between France and Spain for the province of Roussillon. It became French in 1659, by the Treaty of the Pyrenees. Perpignan was a city of refuge in the 20th centuryafter 1936, for refugees from the Spanish Civil War, and for returning North African emigrants after 1960.

      The town walls were dismantled toward the end of the 19th century, but the picturesque Castilleta 14th- and 15th-century crenellated fort that defended the principal gatestill stands and is now a museum. Nearby are the ancient Loge de Mer, which housed the maritime tribunal, and the 14th- and 15th-century cathedral of Saint-Jean. In the south of the city, the bastions of the great 17th- and 18th-century citadel surround the partially restored medieval palace of the kings of Majorca. Paintings by Catalan primitive artists and by Hyacinthe Rigaud (Rigaud, Hyacinthe), a native of Perpignan, are in the Rigaud Museum.

      Perpignan is a hub for the processing and transporting of the wines, fruit, and vegetables that are cultivated on the rich plain in which it is located. A large distribution centre is in the Saint-Charles district, just southwest of the city centre. Pop. (1999) 105,115; (2005 est.) 115,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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