Perpetual check — In the game of chess, perpetual check is a situation in which one player can force a draw by an unending series of checks. Such a situation typically arises when the player who is checking cannot deliver checkmate, while any other move gives the… … Wikipedia
perpetual check — noun Date: circa 1909 an endless succession of checks to which an opponent s king may be subjected to force a draw in chess … New Collegiate Dictionary
perpetual check — noun Chess the situation of play when a draw is obtained by repeated checking of the king … English new terms dictionary
perpetual check — noun : an endless succession of checks to which the opponent s king in chess may sometimes be subjected to force a draw; also : a situation involving such an attack … Useful english dictionary
check — I n. order to a bank (BE has cheque) 1) to issue, make out, write out a check to 2) to draw a check against one s account; to draw a check on a bank 3) to cash; clear; deposit; present a check 4) to cover a check (by making a deposit) 5) to… … Combinatory dictionary
Check (chess) — a b c d e f g h … Wikipedia
perpetual — adj. 1 eternal; lasting for ever or indefinitely. 2 continuous, uninterrupted. 3 colloq. frequent, much repeated (perpetual interruptions). 4 permanent during life (perpetual secretary). Phrases and idioms: perpetual calendar a calendar which can … Useful english dictionary
Cross-check — This article is about a type of move in chess. Cross checking is also a penalty in ice hockey. In chess, a cross check is a tactic in which a check played in response to a check, especially when the original check is blocked by a piece that… … Wikipedia
Swindle (chess) — In chess, a swindle is a ruse by which a player in a losing position tricks his opponent, and thereby achieves a win or draw instead of the expected loss.[1][2][3][4][5] It may also refer more generally to obtaining a win or draw from a clearly… … Wikipedia
Xiangqi — Chinese chess redirects here. For other uses, see Chinese chess (disambiguation). Xiangqi Xiangqi board with pieces in their starting positions Genre(s) Board game Players 2 … Wikipedia