
peristomal, peristomatic /per'euh steuh mat"ik/, peristomial, adj.
/per"euh stohm'/, n.
1. Bot. the one or two circles of small, pointed, toothlike appendages around the orifice of a capsule or urn of mosses, appearing when the lid is removed.
2. Zool. any of various structures or sets of parts that surround or form the walls of a mouth or mouthlike opening.
[1790-1800; < NL peristoma. See PERI-, -STOME]

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  • peristome — noun a) One or two rings of tooth like appendages surrounding the opening of the capsule of many mosses. Its removal does not, however, leave the mouth of the capsule wide open, for around the margin are two circles of pointed teeth forming the… …   Wiktionary

  • peristome — noun Etymology: New Latin peristoma, from peri + Greek stoma mouth more at stomach Date: circa 1796 1. the fringe of teeth surrounding the orifice of a moss capsule 2. the region around the mouth in various invertebrates • peristomial adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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