- perigynous
1. situated around the pistil on the edge of a cuplike receptacle, as stamens or petals.2. having stamens, petals, etc., so arranged.[1800-10; < NL perigynus. See PERI-, -GYNOUS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Perigynous — Pe*rig y*nous, a. [Pref. peri + Gr. ? woman.] (Bot.) Having the ovary free, but the petals and stamens borne on the calyx; said of flower such as that of the cherry or peach. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
perigynous — [pə rij′ə nəs] adj. [ModL perigynus: see PERI & GYNOUS] designating sepals, petals, and stamens attached to the rim of a cup or tube which surrounds the ovary but is not attached to it, as in the rose: see EPIGYNOUS, HYPOGYNOUS perigyny [pe… … English World dictionary
perigynous — adjective Etymology: New Latin perigynus, from peri + gynus gynous Date: 1807 borne on a ring or cup of the receptacle surrounding a pistil < perigynous petals >; also having perigynous stamens and petals < perigynous flowers > • perigyny noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
perigynous — adjective Having the stamens, petals or sepals situated around the ovary (especially, on the rim of the receptacle of a superior ovary) … Wiktionary
perigynous — [pə rɪdʒɪnəs] adjective Botany (of a plant or flower) having the stamens and other floral parts at the same level as the carpels. Compare with epigynous and hypogynous. Derivatives perigyny noun … English new terms dictionary
perigynous — pe·rig·y·nous … English syllables
perigynous — pe•rig•y•nous [[t]pəˈrɪdʒ ə nəs[/t]] adj. 1) bot situated around the pistil on the edge of a cuplike receptacle, as stamens or petals 2) bot having stamens, petals, etc., so arranged • Etymology: 1800–10; < NL perigynus. See peri , gynous… … From formal English to slang
perigynous — /pəˈrɪdʒənəs/ (say puh rijuhnuhs) adjective 1. situated around the pistil on the edge of a cuplike receptacle, as stamens, etc. 2. having stamens, etc., so arranged, as a flower. {New Latin perigynus, from Greek peri peri + gynē woman, female} …
perigynous — adj. (of stamens) situated around the pistil or ovary. Etymology: mod.L perigynus (as PERI , GYNOUS) … Useful english dictionary
Laurales — ▪ plant order Introduction the Laurel order of flowering plants, containing 7 families, 91 genera, and about 2,900 species. Members of Laurales are trees, shrubs, or woody vines. Most are found in tropical or warm temperate climates, and they… … Universalium