peat moss

peat moss
1. Also called bog moss. any moss, esp. of the genus Sphagnum, from which peat may form.
2. such moss after it has been dried, used chiefly as a mulch or seedbed, for acidification.
[1225-75 for earlier sense; 1870-80 for def. 1; ME petemos (in placename) peat bog]

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or sphagnum moss

Any of more than 160 species of plants that make up the bryophyte genus Sphagnum, which grow in dense clumps around ponds, in swamps and bogs, on moist, acid cliffs, and on lakeshores from tropical to subpolar regions.

These pale-green to deep-red plants can hold 20 times their weight in water. As they die and are compressed, they form organic peat, which is harvested and dried as fuel, as seedbed cover, and as shipping packaging for plants and live aquatic animals. Gardeners stir peat into soil to increase soil moisture, porosity, and acidity and to reduce erosion.

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also called  bog moss  or  sphagnum moss 
 any of more than 150300 species of plants in the subclass Sphagnidae, of the division Bryophyta, comprising the family Sphagnaceae, which contains one genus, Sphagnum. The taxonomy of Sphagnum species remains controversial, with various botanists accepting quite different numbers of species. The pale green to deep red plants, up to 30 cm (about 12 inches) tall, form dense clumps around ponds, in swamps and bogs, on moist, acid cliffs, and on lakeshores from tropical to subpolar regions. The veinless leaves and stem cortex contain many interconnected, enlarged dead cells, with external openings through which water can enter; the plants hold up to 20 times their weight in water.

      Each spherical brown sporangium, or spore case, shrinks as it dries, creating internal pressure that casts off the lid (operculum) and shoots the spores as far as 10 cm from the plant. The metabolic processes of growing peat moss cause an increase in the acidity of the surrounding water, thus reducing bacterial action and preventing decay.

       peat moss forms several types of bogs in northern areas. Compression and chemical breakdown of dead plants and other vegetable debris cause formation of the organic substance known as peat, which is harvested and dried for use as fuel. Dried peat moss has been used for surgical dressings, diapers, lamp wicks, bedding, and stable litter. It is commonly employed as a packing material by florists and shippers of live aquatic animals and as a seedbed cover and soil additive by gardeners, who value its ability to increase soil moisture, porosity, and acidity. Peat mosses are valuable in erosion control, and properly drained peat bogs provide useful agricultural land.

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  • peat moss — peat′ moss n. 1) pln any moss, esp. of the genus Sphagnum, from which peat may form 2) such moss when dried, used chiefly as a mulch or seedbed • Etymology: 1870–80; cf. ME petemos (in place name) peat bog …   From formal English to slang

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