
pausal, adj.pauseful, adj.pausefully, adv.pauseless, adj.pauselessly, adv.pauser, n.pausingly, adv.
/pawz/, n., v., paused, pausing.
1. a temporary stop or rest, esp. in speech or action: a short pause after each stroke of the oar.
2. a cessation of activity because of doubt or uncertainty; a momentary hesitation.
3. any comparatively brief stop, delay, wait, etc.: I would like to make a pause in my talk and continue after lunch.
4. a break or rest in speaking or reading to emphasize meaning, grammatical relation, metrical division, etc., or in writing or printing by the use of punctuation.
5. Pros. a break or suspension, as a caesura, in a line of verse.
6. Music. a fermata.
7. give pause, to cause to hesitate or be unsure, as from surprise or doubt: These frightening statistics give us pause.
8. to make a brief stop or delay; wait; hesitate: He paused at the edge of the pool for a moment. I'll pause in my lecture so we can all get some coffee.
9. to dwell or linger (usually fol. by on or upon): to pause upon a particular point.
[1400-50; (n.) ME < L pausa < Gk paûsis a halt, equiv. to paú(ein) to stop + -sis -SIS; (v.) deriv. of the n.]
Syn. 1-3. suspension, interruption, break, halt; hiatus, lacuna. 8. rest. 9. tarry, delay.

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  • pause — [ poz ] n. f. • 1360; lat. pausa 1 ♦ Interruption momentanée d une activité, d un travail. ⇒ arrêt, 2. break(anglic.), interruption, suspension. La pause de midi. Fam. La pause( )café (pour prendre le café). ♢ Spécialt Temps de repos interrompant …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • pause — ► NOUN 1) a temporary stop in action or speech. 2) Music a mark ( ) over a note or rest that is to be lengthened by an unspecified amount. ► VERB ▪ stop temporarily. ● give pause (or give pause for thought) to Cf. ↑give pause to …   English terms dictionary

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  • Pause — may refer to a rest, hesitation, or temporary stop.Pause may also refer to: * Rest (music) or fermata; also specifically the whole rest in French usage * The break key on computer keyboards * A requested breakpoint during computer program… …   Wikipedia

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