- pattern
—patternable, adj. —patterned, adj. —patterner, n. —patternless, adj. —patternlike, adj. —patterny, adj.1. a decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc.2. decoration or ornament having such a design.3. a natural or chance marking, configuration, or design: patterns of frost on the window.4. a distinctive style, model, or form: a new pattern of army helmet.5. a combination of qualities, acts, tendencies, etc., forming a consistent or characteristic arrangement: the behavior patterns of teenagers.6. an original or model considered for or deserving of imitation: Our constitution has been a pattern for those of many new republics.7. anything fashioned or designed to serve as a model or guide for something to be made: a paper pattern for a dress.8. a sufficient quantity of material for making a garment.9. the path of flight established for an aircraft approaching an airport at which it is to land.10. a diagram of lines transmitted occasionally by a television station to aid in adjusting receiving sets; test pattern.11. Metall. a model or form, usually of wood or metal, used for giving the shape of the interior of a mold.12. Numis. a coin, either the redesign of an existing piece or the model for a new one, submitted for authorization as a regular issue.13. an example, instance, sample, or specimen.14. Gunnery, Aerial Bombing.a. the distribution of strikes around a target at which artillery rounds have been fired or on which bombs have been dropped.b. a diagram showing such distribution.v.t.15. to make or fashion after or according to a pattern.16. to cover or mark with a pattern.17. Chiefly Brit. Dial.a. to imitate.b. to attempt to match or duplicate.v.i.18. to make or fall into a pattern.[1325-75; ME patron < ML patronus model, special use of L patronus PATRON]
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Universalium. 2010.