
/pah"steuh/; esp. Brit. /pas"teuh/, n.
any of various flour-and-egg food preparations of Italian origin, made of thin, unleavened dough and produced in a variety of forms, usually served with a sauce and sometimes stuffed.
[1870-75; < It < LL. See PASTE]

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Any of several starchy food pastes (pasta alimentaria) made from semolina, the purified middlings (endosperm) of a hard wheat called durum.

Pasta is traditionally associated with Italian cuisine, though it may have entered Europe from Asia during the Mongol invasions of the 13th century. In making pasta, semolina dough is rolled out and sliced or compacted and forced through perforated plates (dies) that form it into the desired shape. It is produced in the form of sheets, ribbons, cords, tubes, and other shapes, each with its own name (e.g., spaghetti, macaroni). The formed dough is then dried under controlled conditions. Pasta is boiled and topped with a sauce or combined with other foods before serving.

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      any of several starchy food preparations (pasta alimentaria) frequently associated with Italian cuisine and made from semolina, the granular product obtained from the endosperm of a type of wheat called durum (durum wheat), and containing a large proportion of gluten (elastic protein). It is formed into ribbons, cords, tubes, and various special shapes, all originally developed for specific characteristics, such as ability to retain heat or hold sauces.

      In commercial processing, the semolina, mixed with warm water, is kneaded into a smooth, stiff dough and extruded. The dough, moved forward while it is being compacted and mixed, is forced through perforated plates, or dies, that form it into the desired shape. Hollow tubular forms, such as macaroni, result when the perforations are small and contain steel pins; smaller holes without pins produce spaghetti; (spaghetti) flat ribbonlike types are made by slitted perforations. Shell forms are produced by a special die; small fancy shapes are produced by rotary knives slicing the dough as it emerges from the die. The formed dough is next dried, reducing its moisture content from about 31 percent to approximately 12 percent. The drying is carefully regulated, as very rapid drying may result in cracking, and very slow drying may produce stretching or encourage the growth of mold or of organisms that produce souring.

      Doughs may be coloured with spinach juice, producing green pasta; with beet juice, resulting in red types; and with eggs, adding bright-yellow colour. Eggs are frequently added to homemade pastas.

      Among the popular cord forms are spaghetti (“little string”), a finer type called spaghettini, and the very fine vermicelli (“little worms”). Tubular types include macaroni, shaped into tubes of 1/2-inch (12.7-millimetre) diameter, such variations as the small elbow-shaped pieces called dita lisci, and the large, fluted, elbow-shaped pieces called rigatoni. Ribbon types include the wide lasagna and the narrow linguini. Farfels are ground, granulated, or shredded. The wide variety of special shapes includes farfalloni (“large butterflies”), lancette (“little spears”), fusilli (“spindles”), and riccioline (“little curls”).

      Pastas are prepared by boiling and may be cooked until firm and resilient to the bite (al dente) or until very tender. Prepared Italian style, they may be tossed with butter, cheese, and seasoning (nutmeg, pepper) or served with a variety of saucestomato, cream, seafood, or others. Shaped pastas are often stuffed with meat, cheese, spinach, or a combination of these and other ingredients. Pastas are also cooked in soups and are used in casseroles and other dishes that call for the use of noodles, a similar starch preparation (see noodle). Uncooked pastas retain their freshness from three to six months.

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