- paschal lamb
1. Jewish Hist. a lamb slaughtered and eaten on the eve of the first day of Passover. Ex. 12:3-11.4. (caps.) Also called Holy Lamb. Heraldry. a representation of a lamb passant having around its head a nimbus and supporting on the dexter shoulder a crosslike staff bearing a flag argent charged with a cross gules.[1400-50; late ME]
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in Judaism, the lamb sacrificed at the first Passover, on the eve of the Exodus from Egypt, the most momentous event in Jewish (Jew) history. According to the story of the Passover (Exodus, chapter 12), the Jews marked their doorposts with the blood of the lamb, and this sign spared them from destruction.In early Jewish history an unblemished year-old lamb sacrificed in the Temple of Jerusalem on the 14th of Nisan to commemorate the eve of the Exodus was later eaten by the family. For those who had been impeded from visiting the Temple at the prescribed time, a second Passover festival was permitted a month later. In modern times Jews use a roasted shank bone at the seder (q.v.) meal as symbolic of the Paschal lamb. St. Paul, drawing a parallel with the sacrifice made by Jesus (Jesus Christ), referred to Christ as the Paschal lamb (I Corinthians 5:7); hence, the Christian view of Christ as the spotless Lamb of God who by his death freed mankind from the bonds of sin.* * *
Universalium. 2010.