
/pahr"veuh tee/, n. Hinduism.
the wife of Shiva and the benevolent form of the Mother Goddess. Cf. Kali.

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Wife of the Hindu god Shiva.

Parvati is the benevolent aspect of Shakti, the Hindu supreme goddess (see Shaktism). According to the traditional account of her marriage, she won Shiva's notice only after severe ascetic discipline. The couple had two children, the elephant-headed Ganesha and the six-headed Skanda. In sculpture Parvati is always depicted as a mature and beautiful woman. The sacred Tantras are framed as a discussion between Parvati and Shiva.

Parvati, bronze image, early Cola period, 10th century AD; in the Freer Gallery of Art, ...

By courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

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Hindu deity
      (Sanskrit:Daughter of the Mountain”), wife of the Hindu god Śiva (Shiva) (Shiva). Pārvatī is the benevolent aspect of the goddess Śakti and is sometimes identified with Umā. The legendary account of her marriage relates that she won Śiva's notice only after severe ascetic discipline. The couple had two children, the elephant-headed Gaṇeśa and the six-headed Skanda. Pārvatī is often represented in sculpture with Śivaas an attendant figure, or looking on as he performs a miraculous feat, or engaged in a game with him in their mountain kingdom Kailāsaand is always depicted as a mature and beautiful woman. The Tantrastexts of sects worshiping Śivaare written as a discussion between Pārvatī and Śiva.

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