
particularist, n.particularistic, adj.particularistically, adv.
/peuhr tik"yeuh leuh riz'euhm, peuh tik"-/, n.
1. exclusive attention or devotion to one's own particular interests, party, etc.
2. the principle of leaving each state of a federation free to retain its laws and promote its interests.
3. Theol. the doctrine that divine grace is provided only for the elect.
[1815-25; < F particularisme. See PARTICULAR, -ISM]

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also called  historical particularism 

      school of anthropological (cultural anthropology) thought associated with the work of Franz Boas (Boas, Franz) and his students (among them A.L. Kroeber (Kroeber, A.L.), Ruth Benedict (Benedict, Ruth), and Margaret Mead (Mead, Margaret)), whose studies of culture emphasized the integrated and distinctive way of life of a given people. Particularism stood in opposition to theories such as cultural evolution, Kulturkreis, and geographical or environmental determinism, all of which sought to discover for the social sciences a series of general laws analogous to those in the physical sciences (such as the laws of thermodynamics or gravity).

      Boas's own work emphasized studies of individual cultures, each based on its unique history. He held that the anthropologist's primary assignment was to describe the particular characteristics of a given culture with a view toward reconstructing the historical events that led to its present structure. Implicit in this approach was the notion that resolving hypotheses regarding evolutionary development and the influence of one culture on another should be secondary to the careful and exhaustive study of particular societies. Boas urged that the historical method, based on the description of particular culture traits and elements, supplant the comparative method of the evolutionists, who used their data to rank cultures in an artificial hierarchy of achievement. He rejected the assumption of a single standard of achievement to which all cultures could be compared, instead advocating cultural relativism, the position that all cultures are equally able to meet the needs of their members.

      Under Boas's influence, the particularist approach dominated American anthropology for the first half of the 20th century. From World War II through the 1970s, it was eclipsed by neoevolutionism and a variety of other theories. However, the particularist approach, if not the term itself, reemerged in the 1980s as scholars began to recognize that distinctive historical processes differentiate peoples even in the era of globalization (globalization, cultural).

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