
parterred, adj.
/pahr tair"/, n.
1. Also called parquet circle. the rear section of seats, and sometimes also the side sections, of the main floor of a theater, concert hall, or opera house.
2. an ornamental arrangement of flower beds of different shapes and sizes.
[1630-40; < F, n. use of phrase par terre on the ground. See PER, TERRA]

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Division of garden beds in an ornamental pattern.

The parterre grew out of the knot garden, a medieval form of bed in which various plant types were separated from each other by hedges. In the 16th century, the hedges were replaced by wooden or leaden shapes or by lines of shells or coal, and the areas between were filled with colored sand or stone chips. The naturalistic English garden of the 18th century displaced the elaborate parterre.

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      the division of garden beds in such a way that the pattern is itself an ornament. It is a sophisticated development of the knot garden, a medieval form of bed in which various types of plant were separated from each other by dwarf hedges of box, thrift, or any low-growing controllable hardy plant.

      As the patterned area became of greater importance in the 16th century, it became necessary to make it more permanent and precise than was possible with plants. The hedges were replaced by wooden or leaden shapes or by lines of shells or coal, and the areas between were filled with coloured sand or stone chips. The design and making of parterres was a principal gardening skill in the late 17th century, and writers distinguished many sorts, one of which was a plain bowling green of turf. At the end of the 16th century the English philosopher Francis Bacon was the first of many to complain of the artificiality of these gardens, and, with the advent of the jardin anglais, or English garden (q.v.), in the 18th century, the elaborate parterre disappeared until the 19th century, when it returned in the form ofcarpet-bedding.”

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