
/pahr/, n., adj., v., parred, parring.
1. an equality in value or standing; a level of equality: The gains and the losses are on a par.
2. an average, usual, or normal amount, degree, quality, condition, standard, or the like: above par; to feel below par.
3. Golf. the number of strokes set as a standard for a specific hole or a complete course.
4. Finance.
a. the legally established value of the monetary unit of one country in terms of that of another using the same metal as a standard of value.
b. the state of the shares of any business, undertaking, loan, etc., when they may be purchased at the original price (issue par) or at their face value (nominal par).
5. at par, Finance. (of a share) purchasable at issue par or nominal par.
6. par for the course, exactly what one might expect; typical: They were late again, but that's par for the course.
7. average or normal.
8. Finance. at or pertaining to par: the par value of a bond.
9. Golf. to equal par on (a hole or course).
[1615-25; < L par equal]
/pahr/, adj. Insurance.
of or pertaining to participating insurance.
[shortening of PARTICIPATING]

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