
/pay'peuhr meuh shay", -ma-/; Fr. /pann pyay mah shay"/, n.
1. a substance made of pulped paper or paper pulp mixed with glue and other materials or of layers of paper glued and pressed together, molded when moist to form various articles, and becoming hard and strong when dry.
2. made of papier-mâché.
3. easily destroyed or discredited; false, pretentious, or illusory: a papier-mâché façade of friendship.
Also, paper-mâché.
[1745-55; < F: lit., chewed paper]

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      repulped paper that has been mixed with glue or paste so that it can be molded. The art of making articles of papier-mâché, beautifully decorated in Oriental motifs and handsomely lacquered, was known in the East centuries before its introduction in Europe. Molded-paper products were first made in France in the early part of the 18th century and, later, in Germany and England. Different processes were used; for instance, several sheets of paper glued together could be pressure molded into such articles as trays and furniture panels. Although production has declined since the 19th century, papier-mâché is still used for toys, masks, model scenic materials, and the like.

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