
/pah'pyah men"taw/; Eng. /pah'pyeuh men"toh/, n.
a creolized language based on Spanish and spoken on Curaçao.

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also spelled  Papiamentu,  
      creole language based on Spanish, spoken on the islands of Curaçao, Aruba, and Bonaire, in the Caribbean Sea. Papiamento is apparently based on a Spanish pidgin or creole language, with early influences from Portuguese and, more recently, strong Dutch influences (Dutch is the official language of Curaçao). Twenty-five percent of the vocabulary of Papiamento is of Dutch origin; the remainder is primarily from Spanish or Portuguese. Although Papiamento has no official status, it is widely used on Curaçao and is more often recognized as areallanguage than formerly. As is usual with pidgins and creoles, Papiamento's grammar and syntax have become changed and simplified from those of Spanish, the parent language. An example of a sentence in Papiamento is: E máma ta'a mand' e bái bende piská, Spanish La mamá mandaba al hijo que vaya a vender pescado,The mother sent the boy to go and sell fish.”

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Universalium. 2010.

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