
/paf'leuh goh"nee euh, -gohn"yeuh/, n.
an ancient country and Roman province in N Asia Minor, on the S coast of the Black Sea.

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Ancient district, northern Anatolia, on the Black Sea.

A mountainous country, one of the oldest in Anatolia, it submitted to Alexander the Great in 333 BC. In the 3rd2nd century BC it was gradually absorbed by the Pontic kingdom on its eastern border. In 65 BC the coastal districts, including the capital, Sinope, were attached to Roman Bithynia. The area was incorporated into the Roman province of Galatia in с 6 BC; the interior regions were left under native rulers. It was part of the Byzantine Empire, and all but its coastal regions were lost to invading Turkish peoples after the Battle of Manzikert (1071).

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ancient district, Anatolia
      ancient district of Anatolia adjoining the Black Sea, bounded by Bithynia in the west, Pontus in the east, and Galatia in the south. The Paphlagonians were one of the most ancient peoples of Anatolia. Passing under the rule of Lydia and Persia, they submitted to Alexander the Great (333 BC), after which they enjoyed a measure of independence. In the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC Paphlagonia was gradually absorbed by the expanding Pontic (Pontus) kingdom on its eastern border. When the Pontic kingdom under Mithradates VI was destroyed by Pompey in 65 BC, the coastal districts of Paphlagonia (including its capital at Sinope) were attached to Roman Bithynia while the interior regions were left under native rulers. Upon the extinction of the native dynasty (c. 6 BC), the remainder of the territory was incorporated into the Roman province of Galatia. Upon the division of the empire in the 4th century AD, Paphlagonia became a separate Roman province.

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