
Pan-German, adj., n.Pan-Germanic /pan'jeuhr man"ik/, adj.
/pan'jerr"meuh niz'euhm/, n.
the idea or advocacy of a union of all the German peoples in a single political organization or state.
[1880-85; PAN- + GERMANISM]

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Movement to politically unify all German-speaking people.

The desire for German unification began in the early 19th century and was advanced by Ernst Arndt and other early nationalists. The Pan-German League was organized in 1894 by Ernst Hasse (18461908) to heighten German nationalist awareness, especially among German-speaking people outside Germany. The movement, which pressed for German expansion in Europe, gained support after World War I under the Weimar Republic and was actively promoted by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. After Germany's defeat in 1945 and the expulsion of Germans from formerly German areas of eastern Europe, the movement declined.

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German political movement
German  Pangermanismus  or  Alldeutschtum 

      movement whose goal was the political unification of all people speaking German or a Germanic language. Some of its adherents favoured the unification of only the German-speaking people of central and eastern Europe and the Low Countries (Dutch and Flemish being regarded as Germanic dialects). The movement had its roots in the desire for German unification stimulated by the war of liberation (181315) against Napoleon I and fanned by such early German nationalists as Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig) and Ernst Moritz Arndt (Arndt, Ernst Moritz). Advocates of the Grossdeutschland (Greater Germany) solution wished also to include the Germans of the Austrian Empire in one German nation, and others wished also to include the Scandinavians. Writers such as Friedrich List (List, Friedrich), Paul Anton Lagarde, and Konstantin Franz argued for German hegemony in central and eastern Europewhere German domination in some areas had begun as early as the 9th century AD with the Drang nach Osten (expansion to the East)—to ensure European peace. The notion of the superiority of theAryan raceproposed by Joseph-Arthur, comte de Gobineau (Gobineau, Joseph-Arthur, comte de), in his Essai sur l'inégalité des races humaines (185355; Essay on the Inequality of Human Races), influenced many Germans to extol the Nordic, or German, “race.”

      The Pan-German Movement was organized in 1894, when Ernst Hasse (Hasse, Ernst), a professor at Leipzig and a member of the Reichstag (parliament), organized the Alldeutscher Verband (Pan-German League) on the basis of the loosely organized Allgemeiner Deutscher Verband (General German League) founded in 1891. Its purpose was to heighten German nationalist consciousness, especially among German-speaking people outside Germany. In his three-volume work, Deutsche Politik (190507), Hasse called for German imperialist expansion in Europe. Georg Schönerer (Schönerer, Georg, Ritter von) and Karl Hermann Wolf articulated Pan-Germanist sentiments in Austria-Hungary and also attacked Slavs, Jews, and capitalism. These ideas did much to mold the mind of Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf). Under the Weimar Republic (191933), Pan-Germanists continued to press for expansion; the most articulate and active force toward that end was Hitler and the Nazi Party. Expansionist propaganda was buttressed by a theory called geopolitics, which made history subject to a kind of geographical determinism. The expansionism preached by Munich professor Karl Haushofer (Haushofer, Karl), together with Ewald Banse, author of Raum und Volk im Weltkriege (1932; Germany, Prepare for War!), and Hans Grimm (Grimm, Hans), author of Folk ohne Raum (1926; A Nation Without Room), was put into practice by Hitler in his annexation of Austria and the German-speaking area of Czechoslovakia and in the demands he made on Poland that led to the outbreak of World War II. Defeat in 1945 not only brought an end to Hitler's Third Reich and its European hegemony but also resulted in the expulsion of Germans from formerly German areas of eastern Europe, the loss of a large portion of territory on Germany's eastern frontier, and the division of the remaining German territory into two states.

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