
/pam"peuh/, n.
a city in N Texas. 21,396.

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Indian poet
flourished , 940

      South Indian poet and literary figure, called ādikavi (“first poet”) in the Kannada language. He created a style that served as the model for all future works in the Kannada language.

      Although Pampa's family had been orthodox Hindus for generations, his father, Abhirāmadevarāya, together with his whole family, was converted to the faith of Jainism. True to his rearing, Pampa cared little for material possessions and gave freely of what he had. He highly esteemed his guru, Devendramuni, and his royal patron, Arikēsarī, and lauded both in his writings.

      Pampa's great work was the Ādipurāṇa (“First [or Original] Scriptures”), in which Jain teaching and tenets are expounded. Another epic of his creation is the Pampa-Bhārata (c. 950; Bhārata is both the ancient name for India and the name of a famous king), in which Pampa likened his royal master to the mythical hero Arjuna in the Mahābhārata (“Great Bhārata”).

      city, seat (1902) of Gray county, northern Texas, U.S., 55 miles (88 km) northeast of Amarillo. It was founded in 1888 on the Santa Fe Railroad; it was known first as Glasgow, then Sutton, and finally, in 1892 it was named for the resemblance of the surrounding prairie lands to the Argentine Pampas. Located in the Texas Panhandle, the city serves as the centre of an oil-producing, wheat-growing, and cattle-raising area. Its economy is based mainly on petroleum, natural gas, chemicals, and related industries. It was formerly headquarters for the White Deer Land Company, which was one of the world's largest producers of carbon black and oil-field equipment, though many plants had closed by the 1980s. Pampa is host to an annual rodeo, and its White Deer Land Museum traces the company's history and contains artifacts from the pioneer period. Inc. city, 1912. Pop. (1990) 19,959; (2000) 17,887.

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Universalium. 2010.

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