
palatalism, palatality, n.palatally, adv.
/pal"euh tl/, adj.
1. Anat. of or pertaining to the palate.
2. Phonet. articulated with the blade of the tongue held close to or touching the hard palate.
3. Phonet. a palatal consonant.
[1820-30; < F; see PALATE, -AL1]

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      in phonetics, a consonant sound produced by raising the blade, or front, of the tongue toward or against the hard palate just behind the alveolar ridge (the gums). The German ch sound in ich and the French gn (pronounced ny) in agneau are palatal consonants. English has no purely palatal consonants, except for the y sound (a semivowel) inyou.” (The sh sound inshipand the zh sound represented as z inazureare usually classified as palato-alveolar sounds.)

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