
palaced, adj.palacelike, adj.palaceward, adv.
/pal"is/, n.
1. the official residence of a king, queen, bishop, or other sovereign or exalted personage.
2. a large and stately mansion or building.
3. a large and usually ornate place for entertainment, exhibitions, etc.
[1200-50; ME < ML palacium, sp. var. of palatium, L: generic use of Palatium name of the hill in Rome on which the emperor's palace was situated; r. ME paleis < OF L Palatium]

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Royal residence, and sometimes a seat of government or a religious centre.

The word derives from Rome's Palatine Hill, where the emperors built their residences. The earliest known palaces are those of the Egyptian kings at Thebes, with an outer wall enclosing a labyrinth of rooms and courtyards. Other ancient cultures also built vast palaces (e.g., the Assyrian palaces at Nimrūd, Khorsabad, and Nineveh; the Minoan palace at Knossos; and the Persian palaces at Persepolis and Susa). In Rome and Constantinople, palaces reached their peak as centres of power. In Western Europe after the Middle Ages, palaces tended to be single buildings. In Renaissance Italy every prince had his royal palace, usually with an internal court surrounded by an arcade. The court of the Pitti Palace in Florence (1560) is an important example of Mannerist architecture. French palaces include the Louvre and Versailles; Spanish palaces include El Escorial and the Alhambra. In contrast to the typical Western format, East Asian palaces, such as the imperial palaces of Japan and those in Beijing's Forbidden City, consist of many buildings (in these cases, low pavilions mostly of highly decorated wood construction) within vast walled gardens.
(as used in expressions)
Versailles Palace of

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 royal residence, and sometimes a seat of government or religious centre. The word is derived from the Palatine Hill in Rome, where the Roman emperors built their residences. As a building a palace should be differentiated from a castle, which was originally any fortified dwelling.

      After the Middle Ages the ornate homes of the nobility of all ranks in England, France, and Spain came to be known as palaces (as did the residence of the exiled popes in Avignon), and eventually the name was applied to a number of large and imposing buildings, both public and private. In the United States, for example, there are colonial governor's palaces located in Williamsburg, Va.; Santa Fe, N.M.; and San Antonio, Texas. Because of its colonial connotations the name Presidential Palace was rejected in favour of Executive Mansion (White House) for the White House. Also, France has the so-called Palaces of Justice.

      Palaces, because of the power of the patron and the money and labour available for their construction, often represented the epitome (or in some cases, extreme examples) of the architectural and social values of the culture and age in which they were built. For this reason, they are of prime interest to archaeologists.

      The earliest known palaces are those built in Thebes by King Thutmose III (reigned 15041450 BC) and by Amenhotep III (reigned 14171379 BC) of Egypt. Excavations of Amenhotep's palace reveal a rectangular outer wall enclosing a labyrinth of small, dark rooms and courtyards, a pattern broadly repeated in Eastern palaces of later ages. In Assyria, for instance, much larger palaces were built at Nimrūd, at Nineveh, and at Khorsabad, where the palace of Sargon II (reigned 721705 BC) extended over more than 23 acres (9 hectares), built on a platform within two sets of city walls and containing two huge central courts and a disorganized mass of smaller courtyards and rooms.

      The architects of ancient Babylon achieved greater symmetry, using hallways and repeated groupings of rooms. In the 6th, 5th, and 4th centuries BC, vast Persian palaces were built at Susa and at Persepolis, where the residences of three kings (Darius I, Xerxes I, and Artaxerxes III) perch on three low platforms raised upon a main platform that was within the city walls. Minoan palaces on Crete at Phaestus, Knossos (where one staircase rose three stories), and elsewhere achieved even greater grandeur. It was in Rome and the eastern Roman empire, however, that palaces in the sense of centres of power reached their peak. More than 90,000 square m (1,000,000 square feet) on the Palatine Hill in Rome were devoted to palaces built by emperors between AD 3 and 212. At Constantinople (now Istanbul) the Sacred Palace is a conglomeration of Byzantine churches, schools, and residences that covers an area of 334,000 square m (400,000 square yards).

 East Asia's more recent palaces, such as those in the Forbidden City in Beijing and the imperial palaces of Japan, also consist of a series of buildings (in these cases, low pavilions mostly of highly decorated wood construction) within vast walled gardens.

      In the New World, palaces tended to be less complex, such as the Mayan governor's palace at Uxmal (c. AD 900) and the Zapotec palace at Mitla (c. AD 1000), which were one-storied carved structures with many rooms. As in the East, though, these palaces were the centres of government as well as the residences of the culture's leaders.

 In western Europe after the Middle Ages (when palace building declined in favour of castle construction), palaces tended to be single buildings, ornately designed and decorated in the style of the era, and often but not always set in richly landscaped gardens. In Renaissance Italy every prince had his royal palazzo, such as the Pitti Palace (begun 1458) in Florence and the many splendid palaces lining the Grand Canal in Venice. France built royal palais in Paris (notably the Louvre [rebuilt from 1515] and the Tuileries [begun 1564]), and Spanish palacios include El Escorial (155984) outside Madrid and the Alhambra (12381358) in Granada. British royal palaces include Buckingham, St. James's, and Kensingtonall of which are today symbols and residences rather than true seats of government.

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