
/pah hahng", peuh hang"/, n.
a state in Malaysia, on the SE Malay Peninsula. 504,945; 13,820 sq. mi. (35,794 sq. km). Cap.: Kuantan.

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      region, eastern West Malaysia (Malaya). Its eastern coastline stretches along the South China Sea. Pahang occupies the vast Pahang River basin, which is enclosed by the Main Range to the west and the eastern highlands to the north.

      A Chinese chronicle by Cha Ju Kua (c. 1225) mentions the Pahang region as subject to the Sumatran kingdom of Śrivijaya. After the 15th century it was part of the kingdom of Malacca and later came under the control of Johore to the south. The representatives from Johore eventually established an independent sultanate, which received British protection in 1887. Pahang became one of the Federated Malay States in 1895 and after World War II joined the Federation of Malaya.

      Although most of the region is dense jungle, its central plains are intersected by numerous rivers, and along the coast there is a 20-mile (32-kilometre) wide expanse of alluvial soil that includes the deltas and estuarine plains of the Kuantan, Pahang, Rompin, Endau, and Mersing rivers. The region's thinly settled population consists of Malays, Chinese, and semi-nomadic Aboriginals. Malay farmers and fishermen live along the rivers and coast. Chinese dominate the larger towns to the west. Kuantan and Pekan are the largest settlements in the region.

      The Pahang region is linked by road to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, and the centrally located GemasKelantan railway passes through the Pahang region, terminating in the Kelantan region to the north. Kuantan, the Malay Peninsula's most important east coast port, is supplemented by new port facilities at Tanjung Gelang; river transport, though highly localized, is important in the roadless interior.

      Rubber estates are located along the Pahang River, the railway, and the major roads. Rice is extensively farmed in the coastal river deltas. Other products include coconuts, tobacco, gutta-percha (a tough latex derivative), rattan, and hemp. Large-scale development projects have resulted in the clearing of hundreds of square miles of jungle forest for oil-palm and rubber plantations and the resettling of several hundred thousand people in new villages. There are large iron ore reserves at Rompin (mining ceased in 1970), gold is mined at Raub, and at Sungai Lembing one of Malaya's major mines for deep-vein tin has been in operation since 1888. Malaysia's substantial oil and natural gas fields lie offshore in the South China Sea.

      Taman Negara (Negara National Park) (national park), with an area of 1,677 square miles (4,343 square km) and the site of Mount Tahan (Tahan, Mount) (7,175 feet [2,187 m]), highest mountain of the Malay Peninsula, is in the northeast portion of Pahang. The Kerau Wildlife Reserve is located in the centre of the region.

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