
/payj/, n.
1. Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922, U.S. novelist and diplomat.
2. Walter Hines, 1855-1918, U.S. journalist, editor, and diplomat.

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      in medieval Europe, a youth of noble birth who left his home at an early age to serve an apprenticeship in the duties of chivalry in the family of some prince or man of rank. Beginning as assistants to squires who attended knights and their ladies, pages were trained in arms and in the art of heraldry and received instruction in hunting, music, dancing, and such other accomplishments as befitted their social status. Later, pages were promoted to be squires and from that status were frequently advanced to knights (knight).

      In Great Britain (United Kingdom) the duties of the sovereign's pages used to include attendance at royal functions or receptions such asdrawing roomsand court levees, until these fell into desuetude. Pages still appearclad in scarlet coats edged with gold lace and with bars of lace across the front, long white waistcoats, white breeches, and white silk hose and wearing three-cornered hatson occasions such as the opening of Parliament, at which the sovereign's train is carried by two pages, and at coronations, when the earl marshal and all the peers in the procession are attended by pages of honour bearing their coronets. Pages of honour to the sovereign are usually appointed at the age of 12 or 13 and give up their positions at 17. Many of them are later granted commissions in the Household Cavalry or in a regiment of the Guards.

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Universalium. 2010.

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