
/pays/, n., v., paced, pacing.
1. a rate of movement, esp. in stepping, walking, etc.: to walk at a brisk pace of five miles an hour.
2. a rate of activity, progress, growth, performance, etc.; tempo.
3. any of various standard linear measures, representing the space naturally measured by the movement of the feet in walking: roughly 30 to 40 in. (75 cm to 1 m). Cf. geometrical pace, military pace, Roman pace.
4. a single step: She took three paces in the direction of the door.
5. the distance covered in a step: Stand six paces inside the gates.
6. a manner of stepping; gait.
7. a gait of a horse or other animal in which the feet on the same side are lifted and put down together.
8. any of the gaits of a horse.
9. a raised step or platform.
10. put through one's paces, to cause someone to demonstrate his or her ability or to show her or his skill: The French teacher put her pupils through their paces for the visitors.
11. set the pace, to act as an example for others to equal or rival; be the most progressive or successful: an agency that sets the pace in advertising.
12. to set the pace for, as in racing.
13. to traverse or go over with steps: He paced the floor nervously.
14. to measure by paces.
15. to train to a certain pace; exercise in pacing: to pace a horse.
16. (of a horse) to run (a distance) at a pace: Hanover II paced a mile.
17. to take slow, regular steps.
18. to walk up and down nervously, as to expend nervous energy.
19. (of a horse) to go at a pace.
[1250-1300; ME pas < OF < L passus step, pace, equiv. to pad-, var. s. of pandere to spread (the legs, in walking) + -tus suffix of v. action, with dt > ss]
Syn. 8. step, amble, rack, trot, jog, canter, gallop, walk, run, singlefoot. 17. PACE, PLOD, TRUDGE refer to a steady and monotonous kind of walking. PACE suggests steady, measured steps as of one completely lost in thought or impelled by some distraction: to pace up and down. PLOD implies a slow, heavy, laborious, weary walk: The mailman plods his weary way. TRUDGE implies a spiritless but usually steady and doggedly persistent walk: The farmer trudged to his village to buy his supplies.
Ant. 17. scurry, scamper, skip.
/pay"see, pah"chay/; Lat. /pah"ke/, prep.
with all due respect to; with the permission of: I do not, pace my rival, hold with the ideas of the reactionists.
[1860-65; < L pace in peace, by favor (abl. sing. of pax PEACE, favor, pardon, grace)]

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