
/euh reg"euh noh', aw reg"-/, n.
an aromatic herb, Origanum vulgare, of the mint family, having leaves used as seasoning in cooking. Also called pot marjoram. Cf. marjoram.
[1765-75; < AmerSp orégano, Sp: wild marjoram < L origanum. See ORIGAN]

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Flavourful dried leaves and flowering tops of any of various perennial herbs of the mint family, particularly Origanum vulgare.

Oregano is an essential ingredient of Mediterranean cuisines; in the U.S., use of oregano rose sharply in the late 20th century, largely because of the popularity of pizza. Native to the Mediterranean and western Asia, the herbs are now naturalized in parts of Mexico and the U.S.

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also called  Origanum,  

      flavourful dried leaves and flowering tops of any of various perennial herbs of the mint family (Lamiaceae, or Labiatae), particularly Origanum vulgare, called wild marjoram in northern and central Europe, widely used to season many foods. The name is derived from the Greek oros,mountain,” and ganos,joy.” Oregano has long been an essential ingredient of Mediterranean cooking. Pliny the Elder thought it a remedy for bad digestion. The aroma, strong and aromatic, and the taste, warm, pungent, and bitter, are prominent in Italian cooking and in robust dishes of certain other cuisines, such as the Mexican chili con carne. In the United States the use of oregano rose sharply in the late 20th century, owing largely to the popularity of pizza. Italians call it the mushroom herb but use it with many other foods as well. The Spanish word orégano means marjoram, and the herbs are sometimes used interchangeably.

      Native to the hills of the Mediterranean countries and western Asia, the herbs were brought to the Western Hemisphere in early times and are naturalized in parts of Mexico and the United States.

      All varieties contain essential oil. In some, the principal component of the oil is thymol, in others carvacrol.

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