
/awr'dn air"euh lee, awr"dn er'euh lee/, adv.
1. most of the time; generally; usually: Ordinarily he wakes at seven.
2. in an unexceptional manner or fashion; modestly: a wealthy child who was dressed ordinarily.
3. to the usual extent; reasonably: to expect someone to be ordinarily honest.
[1525-35; ORDINARY + -LY]

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  • Ordinarily — Or di*na*ri*ly, adv. According to established rules or settled method; as a rule; commonly; usually; in most cases; as, a winter more than ordinarily severe. [1913 Webster] Those who ordinarily pride themselves not a little upon their penetration …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • ordinarily — [adv] usually as a rule, commonly, customarily, frequently, generally, habitually, in general, normally, regularly; concept 530 Ant. infrequently, rarely, sometimes …   New thesaurus

  • ordinarily — [ôrd΄ n er′ə lē] adv. 1. usually; as a rule 2. in an ordinary manner or to an ordinary degree …   English World dictionary

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  • ordinarily — adverb 1 (sentence adverb) usually: Ordinarily, the process of buying clothes irritates me. | It is ordinarily possible to predict the results with some accuracy. 2 in an ordinary or normal way: He was walking along quite ordinarily …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • ordinarily — or|di|na|ri|ly [ˈo:dənərıli, ˌo:dənˈeərıli US ˌo:rdənˈerıli] adv 1.) [sentence adverb] usually ▪ Ordinarily, he didn t like to go to the movies. ▪ This is not the price at which the CD is ordinarily sold. 2.) in an ordinary or normal way …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ordinarily — or|di|nar|i|ly [ ɔrdn,erəli, ,ɔrdn erəli ] adverb in normal situations: NORMALLY: Ordinarily I wouldn t pay that price for a picture. I m ordinarily gone by this time …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ordinarily — UK [ˈɔː(r)d(ə)n(ə)rəlɪ] / UK [ˌɔː(r)d(ə)nˈerəlɪ] / US [ˈɔrd(ə)nˌerəlɪ] / US [ˌɔrd(ə)nˈerəlɪ] adverb 1) in normal situations Ordinarily I wouldn t pay that sort of price for a picture. 2) British in an ordinary way She was dressed very ordinarily …   English dictionary

  • ordinarily — adverb he ordinarily worked from home Syn: usually, normally, as a (general) rule, generally, in general, for the most part, mainly, mostly, most of the time, typically, habitually, commonly, routinely …   Thesaurus of popular words

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