
/oh nich"euh/, n.
a city in SW Nigeria, on the Niger River. 220,000.

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      port and market town in Anambra state, southern Nigeria. The town lies on the east bank of the Niger River just south of its confluence with the Anambra River. Founded by adventurers from Benin (nearby, to the west) in the early 17th century, it grew to become the political and trading centre of the small Igbo (Ibo) kingdom of Onitsha. Its monarchical system (rare among the Igbo people) was patterned after that of Benin. An Onitsha obi (“king”) negotiated in 1857 with William Balfour Baikie (Baikie, William Balfour), a British trader, for the establishment of a British trading post in the town.

      Onitsha remains the chief entrepôt for goods coming upstream from the Niger River delta and those transported downstream from towns on the Niger and Benue rivers. Roads lead to the town from Enugu and Owerri, and the completion in 1965 of the 4,606-foot (1,404-metre) bridge across the Niger River to Asaba provides Onitsha with a direct road link to Benin City and Lagos. Palm oil and kernels are the most important local exports, but yams, cassava (manioc), corn (maize), citrus fruits, palm produce, rice, taro, fish, and beef also are traded in the Onitsha market. The market building, one of the largest in Nigeria, was destroyed in 1968 in the Nigerian Civil War (196770), but it was rebuilt.

      The town is the site of the Roman Catholic Holy Trinity Cathedral (1935) and the Anglican All Saints Cathedral (1952). Its oldest secondary schools, including the Dennis Memorial Grammar School (1925; Anglican), St. Charles Teacher Training College (1929; Roman Catholic), and Christ the King College (1933; Roman Catholic), are noted for their academic excellence. Onitsha is also known for the annual Ofala Festival, which honours the obi.

      Onitsha's industries include tire retreading, sawmilling, printing, and soft-drink bottling. A textile plant is located on an industrial estate south of the town near the bridge. Pop. (2006) local government area, 261,604.

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