
/ong'koh seuhr kuy"euh sis/, n. Pathol.
an infestation with filarial worms of the genus Onchocerca, common in tropical America and Africa, transmitted by black flies, and characterized by nodules under the skin, an itchy rash, eye lesions, and in severe cases, elephantiasis.
Also, onchocercosis /ong'koh seuhr koh"sis/. Also called river blindness.
[1910-15; < NL Onchocerc(a) a genus of filarioid worms (oncho- (correctly onco- < Gk ónk(os) barb + -o- -O-) + -cerca fem. of -cercus -tailed < Gk, adj. deriv. of kérkos tail) + -IASIS]

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byname  oncho , also called  onchocercosis 
 filarial disease caused by the helminth Onchocerca volvulus, which is transmitted to humans by the bite of the black fly Simulium. The disease is found chiefly in Mexico, Guatemala, and Venezuela in the Americas and in sub-Saharan Africa in a broad belt extending from Senegal on the west coast to Ethiopia on the east; in Africa its northern edge is about 15° N of the equator, and it extends as far south as Angola and Tanzania. It has also been reported in Colombia, northern Sudan, and Yemen.

      Probably the best-known form of onchocerciasis is also known as river blindness. It has this name because the flies that transmit the disease breed on rivers and mostly affect riverine populations. Blindness is caused by dead microfilariaethe larvae that can be produced for some 15 to 18 years by adult wormsinside the eye. These disintegrating bodies damage surrounding tissue (often the cornea), and if the reproducing adult worms are not attacked, blindness will result. “River blindnessis common in savannah areas of Africa and in Guatemala and Mexico. In the forest areas (as opposed to the savannah), transmission of onchocerciasis is perennial rather than seasonal and blindness is rare.

      Other symptoms of the disease include changes in skin pigmentation, dermal swelling, papules, and lichenification of the skin. In newly acquired infections severe itching is common. Nodules that may grow as large as a pigeon egg are found in the pelvic region or in the upper thorax and head region. In Yemen and northern Sudan a type of onchocerciasis called sowda, with infection localized in one leg, is the most common form.

      In 1974 the World Health Organization undertook the eradication of the black fly in West Africa, but, considering the lifespan of Onchocerca and the distance that certain species of black fly can travel (up to 400 miles [640 km] in one day), the success of the program would not be certain for many years to come.

      Until 1987, treatment was generally with diethylcarbamazine, which can remove microfilariae from the skin, or with suramin, a potent and dangerous drug that affects both the adult worm and the microfilariae. In 1987, however, the World Health Organization began to distribute a drug known as ivermectin, originally developed in the 1970s for use against livestock parasites. Though it does not kill the adult parasite, it eliminates the microfilariae and is surprisingly safe and effective.

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