
/om"beuhdz meuhn, -man', -boodz-, awm"-, om boodz"meuhn, -man', awm-/, n., pl. ombudsmen /-meuhn, -men'/.
1. a government official who hears and investigates complaints by private citizens against other officials or government agencies.
2. a person who investigates and attempts to resolve complaints and problems, as between employees and an employer or between students and a university.
[1910-15; < Sw: legal representative, equiv. to ombud agent, attorney + -s 'S1 + -man -MAN]
Usage. See -man.

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(Swedish; representative)

Representative assigned by a large organization or a government to investigate citizen complaints and suggest solutions.

An ombudsman's office was established by the Swedish constitution of 1809. The idea soon spread to other Scandinavian countries and later to New Zealand, Britain, Germany, Israel, and some states or provinces in the U.S., Australia, and Canada. An ombudsman's responsibility is to receive and investigate complaints and to serve as an independent and impartial arbiter in recommending what may be done to satisfy the complainant or in explaining why no action is necessary. Ombudsmen are now used in universities, corporations, municipalities, and institutions such as hospitals.

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government overseer
      legislative commissioner for investigating citizens' complaints of bureaucratic abuse. The office originated in Sweden in 180910 and has been copied in various forms in Scandinavia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Israel and in certain states in the United States and Australia and in provinces in Canada.

      The legislature appoints the ombudsman, but it may not interfere with his handling of particular cases. He is supposed to be an independentand presumably impartialarbiter between government and the individual. His scope of authority covers all agencies, boards, and commissions but sometimes excludes municipal government (New Zealand and Norway), cabinet decisions (New Zealand, Norway, and Sweden), or judges (Denmark, New Zealand, and Norway). Although the ombudsman's jurisdiction is vast, his power is solely recommendatory. He may suggest changes in government action but may not command them.

      A civil ombudsman receives many written complaints a year, in addition to the handful that he takes up of his own volition. The majority of these are rejected without investigation. In a number of cases, the citizen fails to state a complaint; the ombudsman sometimes solicits clarification and helps the aggrieved person to explain his grievance intelligibly. In other cases, the person or body complained of is outside the jurisdiction of the ombudsman, who may then instruct the citizen as to where to lodge his complaint. Other applications are rejected because the party has not exhausted available administrative or legal remedies; again, the ombudsman describes these alternative avenues of appeal. In giving advice, the ombudsman provides legal aid in the administrative spherean area of the law in which such assistance has otherwise been lacking.

      The balance of the complaints are transmitted by the ombudsman to the agency in question for elucidation. After the agency completes its fact-finding and delivers the results, the ombudsman forms an opinion as to the correctness of the government's action. He does not merely impose his judgment in place of the administrator's but asks whether the administrator acted reasonably under the law. In the majority of cases investigated, the ombudsman finds that the agency acted properly and within the scope of its discretion. In replying to the complainant, he explains why the agency action was unobjectionable. In the remaining cases, the ombudsman comes to the conclusion that the agency acted improperly. He may express to the bureau and to the complainant his opinion that there was rudeness or unnecessary delay. If he feels that the decision of the agency was erroneous, he may state what a correct decision would have been and, whenever possible, suggest a solution. Further, the ombudsman's special and annual reports provide modest assistance to the legislature in carrying out its supervisory function. Article 19 of the New Zealand Ombudsman Act, for example, directs the ombudsman to call attention to laws producingunreasonable, unjust, oppressive, or improperly discriminatory results.”

      Functions similar to those of an ombudsman are undertaken by procurators-general in eastern Europe and by the Administrative Management Agency in Japan. Great Britain has a parliamentary commissioner who is authorized to investigate complaints referred to him by members of Parliament. In 1967 Hawaii established the first state ombudsman's office in the United States.

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Universalium. 2010.

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