
odorful, adj.odorless, adj.
/oh"deuhr/, n.
1. the property of a substance that activates the sense of smell: to have an unpleasant odor.
2. a sensation perceived by the sense of smell; scent.
3. an agreeable scent; fragrance.
4. a disagreeable smell.
5. a quality or property characteristic or suggestive of something: An odor of suspicion surrounded his testimony.
6. repute: in bad odor with the whole community.
7. Archaic. something that has a pleasant scent.
Also, esp. Brit., odour.
[1250-1300; ME < OF < L]
Syn. 3. aroma, redolence, perfume. ODOR, SMELL, SCENT, STENCH all refer to sensations perceived through the nose by the olfactory nerves. ODOR and SMELL in literal contexts are often interchangeable. Figuratively, ODOR also usually occurs in positive contexts: the odor of sanctity. SMELL is the most general and neutral of these two terms, deriving connotation generally from the context in which it is used: the tempting smell of fresh-baked bread; the rank smell of rotting vegetation. In figurative contexts SMELL may be either positive or negative: the sweet smell of success; a strong smell of duplicity pervading the affair.
SCENT refers either to delicate and pleasing aromas or to faint, barely perceptible smells: the scent of lilacs on the soft spring breeze; deer alarmed by the scent of man. STENCH is strongly negative, referring both literally and figuratively to what is foul, sickening, or repulsive: the stench of rotting flesh; steeped in the stench of iniquity and treason.

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