
/ob'li gah"toh/; It. /awb'blee gah"taw/, adj., n., pl. obbligatos, obbligati /-tee/. Music.
1. (used as a musical direction) obligatory or indispensable; so important that it cannot be omitted.
2. an obbligato part or accompaniment.
3. a continuing or persistent subordinate or background motif.
4. a subordinate part of a solo.
Also, obligato.
[1715-25; < It: bound, obliged < L obligatus; see OBLIGATE]

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      (Italian:obligatory”), in music, essential but subordinate instrumental part. For example, in an 18th-century aria with trumpet obbligato, the trumpet part, although serving as accompaniment to the voice, may be as brilliant in its writing as that of the voice itself. The term obbligato accompaniment has a more specialized meaning in some 18th-century music (see accompaniment).

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  • obbligato — I. adjective Etymology: Italian, obligatory, from past participle of obbligare to oblige, from Latin obligare more at oblige Date: 1794 not to be omitted ; obligatory used as a direction in music; compare ad libitum II. noun (plural tos; also… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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